尺八演奏家 井本蝶山


(いもと ちょうざん)


2008年 オーストラリアで行われた国際尺八フェスティバルの尺八世界大会優勝。
2009年 全国高校生邦楽コンクール優勝。同年、NPO法人 JML音楽研究所主催の日独青少年交流コンサートの一員として3週間ドイツ各地で演奏。
2011年 ロシアで行われたウラジオストク・ビエンナーレにて演奏。
2012年 現地との文化交流のため南インド各地で演奏。
2014年 国際交流基金実施の学生クリエイター交流事業KAKEHASHIプロジェクトの一員としてNYなど北米各地でプレゼンテーションや演奏を行う。
2016年 NPO法人 若い芽を育てる会特別賞授賞。自身初のリサイタルを開催。ロシアのモスクワ、サンクトペテルブルクにて多数公演。丹波の森国際音楽祭シューベルティアーデたんば2016のフランツとして一連のコンサート出演。
2019年 中国の国民的音楽番組「国楽大典」に東方管弦楽団のメンバーとして出演。

南禅寺 独秀流南禅教会音曲担当。都山流尺八 菖友会特任講師。カレッジ神戸尺八講師。日本三曲協会会員。邦楽アンサンブルみやこ風韻メンバー。

Name:Chozan Imoto, born in Hyogo pref. in 1991.

Since 4 years old, I began to play the Music of Koto(Japanese traditional instrument)
In my 10years old I changed from koto to Shakuhachi(Japanese Bamboo Flute) learned from the master of Shakuhachi, Mr Kouzan Nagahiro.

In 2003 I passed the examination of associate professor of Tozan style at 12 years old, youngest successful candidate in history.
In 2006 I passed the examination of professor of Tozan style at 15 years old, youngest successful candidate in history.
In 2007 I received the Tokyo Japanese traditional music encouragement prize.
In 2008 I was the grand champion of International Shakuhachi festival held in Australia.
In 2009 I received Tokyo Japanese traditional music contest of high school students.
In 2009 I played Shakuhachi in Germany as one of members of Japan-German exchange youth program for 3 weeks sponsored by JML music institute.
In 2011 I performed the art of Shakuhachi at Vladivostok Biennale, Russia.
In 2012 I played the traditional Japanese music in South India for the purpose of Culture Exchange program.
In 2014 I performed the presentation of music and the performance of Shakuhachi play at NY and other places in North America as a member of student creator exchange program.

I studied at the high school attached to Tokyo University of the Arts(TUA) and graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Traditional Japanese Music Department.
While in TUA I received the prestigious award of Dousei group and also received the honor of performing in front of the Imperial Royal Family at the Imperial Palace Plaza traditional music hall.
I completed her master course in Tokyo University of the Arts, traditional Japanese music department in 2016.

I am a member of Japan Performing Arts association, Japan-Vladiostok Association Garumonia level and other associations.
Lecturer of multiple music classes and I have been performing the music activity in Japan and overseas.